Robert Sarbacher

Dr Robert Sarbacher was a consultant to the Research and Development Board.

In an alleged conversation with Wilbert Smith, Smith recorded the following:

SMITH:          ...I have read Scully's book on the saucers and would
                like to know how much of it is true.
SARBACHER:      The facts reported in the book are substantially correct.

SMITH:          Then the saucers do exist ?
SARBACHER:      Yes: they exist.

SMITH:          Do they operate as Scully suggests on magnetic principles?
SARBACHER:      We have not been able to duplicate their performance.

SMITH:          Do they come from some other planet?
SARBACHER:      All we know is, we didn't make them, and it's pretty certain
                they didn't originate on Earth.

SMITH:          I understand the whole subject is classified.
SARBACHER:      Yes, it is classified two points higher even than the H-bomb.
                In fact it is the most highly classified subject in the
                US Government at the present time.

SMITH:          May I ask the reason for the classification ?
SARBACHER:      You may ask, but I can't tell you.

He died in 1986

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